Toronto District School Board
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Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Services

Occupational Therapists (OT) and Physiotherapists (PT) at the TDSB provide services that are centered from an anti-oppressive, anti-racist, culturally relevant and responsive, neurodiverse, identity-affirming, and strengths-based approach to improve student success with inclusion and participation for students with special education and inclusion needs. OT and PT staff support function and productivity with a focus on the following areas:

  • Safety and Accessibility
  • Activities of Daily Living - Eating, Dressing, Toileting, Hygiene, Personal Care, Household skills emphasizing culturally responsive and relevant student/family identities
  • All OT and PT staff are graduates of accredited University programs with specialty Master’s or Bachelor’s degrees and are regulated by professional colleges (College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario or the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario). All OT and PT staff at the TDSB also have experience in Pediatrics and School Based Practice.
  • Community Living Skills
  • Pre-Vocational and Functional Life Skills relevant to the student/family’s social identities
  • Gross Motor Skills, Mobility and Transportation
  • Fine Motor Skills - including written communication
  • Visual Perceptual Skills
  • Identity affirming Sensory Processing and Regulation
  • Social Skills and Play Skills considering culturally relevant and responsive practices
  • Executive Function Skills and Work Habits - planning, organization, flexible thinking, working memory, self-control, self-monitoring
  • Lifts, Transfers, and Back Care
  • Posture, Alignment, and Ergonomics
  • Adaptive Equipment and Assistive Technology: wheelchairs, walkers, standers, toilet supports, lifts, specialized software and computer hardware, etc.
  • Behavioural concerns - addressed through a sensory-focused, trauma-informed, and body-based lens that is anti-oppressive, anti-racist, equitable, and culturally relevant and responsive
  • Inclusion and Participation

All OT and PT staff are graduates of accredited University programs with specialty Master’s or Bachelor’s degrees and are regulated by professional colleges (College of Occupational Therapists of Ontario or the College of Physiotherapists of Ontario). All OT and PT staff at the TDSB also have experience in Pediatrics and School Based Practice

Services We Provide

We provide consultative services that:

Focus on the Student

  • A wide range of identity affirming and culturally relevant and responsive supports for all students
  • Employ an evidence-based, equity-focused, diversity-affirming, inclusive and anti-oppressive tiered service model progressing from Tier 1 (good for all), to Tier 2 (good for some), to Tier 3 (specific to an individual) based on student and school need
  • Individualized assessments that uphold and bolster social identities of the student and family
  • Detailed solution-focused and strengths-based professional reports that are culturally relevant and responsive 
  • Identity affirming, culturally relevant, neurodiverse, and equity-based strategies and recommendations for programming to promote student participation, inclusion, and success
  • Identity-affirming and culturally responsive and relevant assessment and recommendations for therapeutic and adaptive/assistive devices based on student identities and need in the school context
  • Facilitate equity-based funding for and acquisition of, equipment
  • Liaise with community supports/agencies to ensure comprehensive wrap-around supports uplifting social identities of students and families
  • Support for ongoing equity-based transition and culturally relevant experiential learning opportunities 

Focus on School Personnel

  • Anti-oppressive, anti-racist, culturally relevant and responsive identity-affirming consultation to promote equitable student participation, inclusion, and success 
  • Programming suggestions outlined through multimodal approaches (e.g. virtual/in-person presentations, webinars, resources, professional reports, etc.) to support neurodiverse accessibility
  • Consultation, training, and demonstration of equitable, inclusive, identity-affirming, and anti-oppressive recommendations and strategies to school staff and parent(s)/guardian(s)/caregiver(s) as appropriate
  • Professional development as required 
  • Recommendations on environmental modifications that bolster anti-oppressive and culturally relevant and responsive inclusion

Focus on Board Wide Support

  • Service delivery district-wide and/or for Learning Centres/Networks with considered customization based on anti-oppressive, anti-racist, and culturally relevant and responsive ethnogeographic needs 
  • Participation and advocacy for neurodiverse and identity-affirming inclusion on district-wide committees
  • Professional Development as required
  • Special projects


For more information, please refer to:

TDSB OT/PT Services Website for the Public

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